July 15, 2016
Trunk Show Testimonial
We love getting feedback from our trunk show hosts! We are excited to have a testimonial from Meg, who recently hosted one. Read below as she recaps her experience all the way from planning to hosting. Thanks for sharing and helping us #spreadthejoya, Meg!!
Hosting a group of friends is always fun, but when you add shopping to it… It goes to an all new level. Last Fall was the first time I have ever hosted a shopping party. I of course wanted to introduce my friend Betsy’s new company that she had just founded "Collections by Joya".
I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous. You are hoping that your friends and you have similar taste and that they love the beautiful jewelry as much as you do, plus you want them to buy something. But then I had the realization that your guests often do their homework before they come. They go to www.collectionsbyjoya.com and see what it is all about. They see what a unique line of jewelry it is, how it is made from around the world and domestically, what wonderful price points items are, and what a great company Collections by Joya is to give back to so many charities.
The first step to hosting a party is deciding a date and time. Once you have that settled its time to start inviting friends. I did a Facebook invite, since it was the easiest way for me to reach a group of friends and send a few reminders out before the party.
I kept my party simple. I had a few hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer and a signature drink that was season appropriate.
The day of the party Betsy set up all the jewelry in the dining room. This was the best place for light and allowed for people to move about the room and look at the jewelry.
It ended up being a great party! I was able to watch my friends shop and pick out things for different occasions or for everyday wear. We were able to chat and catch up over a glass of wine. All while I was able to earn Joya Dollars. There is nothing like being able to buy a few pieces of jewelry at no cost.
Now is the time to get out your calendars and pick a date, invite friends over and do a little shopping.
The first step to hosting a party is deciding a date and time. Once you have that settled its time to start inviting friends. I did a Facebook invite, since it was the easiest way for me to reach a group of friends and send a few reminders out before the party.
I kept my party simple. I had a few hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer and a signature drink that was season appropriate.
The day of the party Betsy set up all the jewelry in the dining room. This was the best place for light and allowed for people to move about the room and look at the jewelry.
It ended up being a great party! I was able to watch my friends shop and pick out things for different occasions or for everyday wear. We were able to chat and catch up over a glass of wine. All while I was able to earn Joya Dollars. There is nothing like being able to buy a few pieces of jewelry at no cost.
Now is the time to get out your calendars and pick a date, invite friends over and do a little shopping.

To to learn more about the perks of hosting a Joya trunk show email info@collectionsbyjoya.com!